Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thank you!

I'd like to thank all those who stopped by the PAW's Embroidery booth and said hi this year at the Alameda County Fair.  I enjoyed meeting and talking with you.  Your interaction helped make the long hours of each day bearable.

I'd also like to thank my sister Elayne and my husband Dave for pitching in and helping.  I couldn't have spent 17 long days in a roll, in that small booth if it weren't for their wonderful help.

The hit of the show were the Zoobies.  They're uniqueness and flexibility put smiles on the faces of adults and children alike.  I was actually surprised at the adults that bought a Zoobie to keep for themselves and not give to a child.  I thought I was the only one who saw how great they would be to keep in a car.  

It felt great making everyone happy.  That's what I'm all about.  I figure you can go through life making everyone around you miserable or for the same amount of energy spent, you can make people laugh or be happy.  I vote for the smiles.

Again, it was wonderful meeting you all and thank you for the new business you brought to PAW's Embroidery after the fair ended.



wilsajedi said...

Thanks for the towel Patti, Iused it at practice last night and will use it again on Sat. night at a show. then it will be stinky and need a good washing.

I had fun at the fair too.

see ya.

Patricia said...

Will, it was a pleasure making the towel for you. Enjoy it until it's thread bare. Then come see me and I'll do up another one for you!
